{"sm_number": "SM10022", "status": "Closed", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "City budget", "particulars": "Submissions to City officials regarding the upcoming budget. This would include suggestions regarding property taxes and other taxes as they apply to real estate. Also environemntal incentives for green building construction.", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-01", "effective_date": "2011-09-12", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2009-01-01", "registrant_id": {"value": 3167, "label": "10104S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10061", "status": "Closed", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Energy, Parks and Planning and Development", "particulars": "We are working to develop a research collaborative on green roofs and solar pv and would like the city to become a partner.", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2010-03-25", "effective_date": "2012-10-03", "proposed_start_date": "2010-03-24", "proposed_end_date": "2012-03-06", "registrant_id": {"value": 3416, "label": "10201S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10141", "status": "Closed", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Environment", "particulars": "Environmental reporting and Disclosure program. Proposed by-law requiring dealership in the City to report annually on the use of or release of 25 identified chemical substances harmful to the environment and persons", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-04-03", "effective_date": "2010-01-22", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-07", "proposed_end_date": "2008-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 2703, "label": "10265S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10221", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "planning act applications - zoning by-law", "particulars": "OMB Decision dated February 6, 2008 [OMB Case No. PL070056] respecting 4187 Dundas Street West and 567, 569 & 571 Prince Edward Drive", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-11", "effective_date": "2009-12-15", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-07", "proposed_end_date": "2009-02-06", "registrant_id": {"value": 2628, "label": "10163C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10262", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "signs", "particulars": "New sign by-law,all sign permits issued to titan signs\nAllnoitices of revocation,notices of violation and summons issued to TItan regarding their signs or permits\nAll isues regading Titans application being court file no. 07-cv-346126pd 1", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-26", "effective_date": "2014-06-11", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-14", "proposed_end_date": "2014-02-20", "registrant_id": {"value": 4939, "label": "10271C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10263", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Application - rezoning and Official Plan Amendment", "particulars": "Rezoning and Official Plan Amendment Application for 1066 Avenue Road. Application to permit a Seniors Retirment Residence", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-19", "effective_date": "2010-06-03", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2009-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 2805, "label": "10409C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10264", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Application - rezoning", "particulars": "Rezoning Application 2800 Bloor Street West.\nApplication for a Seniors Retirement Home", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-19", "effective_date": "2010-06-03", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2009-12-28", "registrant_id": {"value": 2806, "label": "10409C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10265", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "planning policies", "particulars": "Planning Policy pertaining to Proposed Potocol for the Installation of Telecommunication Towers", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-25", "effective_date": "2009-06-15", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2008-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 2574, "label": "10409C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10266", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Policies", "particulars": "Planning Policy for Proposed Protocol for the Installation of Telecommunication Towers", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-25", "effective_date": "2009-06-15", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2008-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 2575, "label": "10409C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10267", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Policies", "particulars": "Planning Policy - Proposed Protocol for the Installation of Telecommunication Towers", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-25", "effective_date": "2009-06-15", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2008-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 2576, "label": "10409C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10268", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Application-rezoning", "particulars": "Rezoning application - Maple Grove development, 1, 35 and 40 Fountainhead Road and 470 Sentinel Road", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-19", "effective_date": "2011-07-15", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2010-12-30", "registrant_id": {"value": 3009, "label": "10409C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10269", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Application- Official Plan amedment and rezoning", "particulars": "Official Plan and rezoning for Parkway Forest community, Don Mills and Sheppard", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-19", "effective_date": "2010-06-03", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2008-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 2807, "label": "10409C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10270", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Application - Combined - Official Plan, Zoning By-law, Site Plan", "particulars": "All necessary approvals for development of property at 2130 Bayview Avenue (including sales office)", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-25", "effective_date": "2009-11-03", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2008-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 2614, "label": "10410C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10271", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Application - Combined - Official Plan, Zoning By-law, Site Plan", "particulars": "All necessary approvals for redevelopment of Don Mills Centre property at Don Mills Rd and Lawrence Avenue East (including sales office)", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-25", "effective_date": "2010-12-29", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2010-05-04", "registrant_id": {"value": 2914, "label": "10410C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10272", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Application - Combined - Official Plan, Zoning By-law, Site Plan", "particulars": "All necessary approvals for development of property at 5170 Yonge Street", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-25", "effective_date": "2012-01-03", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2011-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 3337, "label": "10410C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10273", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Application - Combined - Official Plan, Zoning By-law, Site Plan", "particulars": "All necessary approvals for development of property at northeast corner of Glendora and Tradewind Avenues", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-25", "effective_date": "2010-12-30", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2010-03-19", "registrant_id": {"value": 2915, "label": "10410C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10275", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Application Site Plan", "particulars": "Assist in obtaining necessary building permits for 206 Bloor St. W.", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-26", "effective_date": "2009-10-13", "proposed_start_date": "2008-06-03", "proposed_end_date": "2009-10-09", "registrant_id": {"value": 2609, "label": "10413C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10276", "status": "Closed", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Parking, Environment", "particulars": "Parking restrictions/congestion controls and implications for deliveries in Toronto", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2009-10-28", "effective_date": "2018-01-09", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-25", "proposed_end_date": "2017-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 7558, "label": "10414S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10277", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Signs", "particulars": "Sign by-law issues", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-27", "effective_date": "2011-11-04", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-12", "proposed_end_date": "2010-04-30", "registrant_id": {"value": 3283, "label": "10415S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10290", "status": "Closed", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Energy: Natural gas distribution and related services", "particulars": "Public safety issues related to natural gas; development of green technologies; Operations and construction isues that impact on business and residential customers", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-05-29", "effective_date": "2009-02-03", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": null, "registrant_id": {"value": 2557, "label": "10421S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10310", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning and Development- Site Plan", "particulars": "Splendid China Tower", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-14", "effective_date": "2011-07-20", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2008-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 3030, "label": "10425C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10313", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning and Development - Site Plan", "particulars": "Review site plan proposed at Lakeshore Road intersection and 30th Street in Etobicoke.", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-26", "effective_date": "2013-08-27", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": null, "registrant_id": {"value": 4239, "label": "10430C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10330", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "licenses", "particulars": "Changes in COTA pertaining to the regulation of airport limousines", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-10", "effective_date": "2010-01-18", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2009-11-18", "registrant_id": {"value": 2618, "label": "10428C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10331", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Zoning Application", "particulars": "I represent Grace Restoration Church at 1736 Weston Rioad the subject of a Rezoning application to be considered at Etobicoke Community Council Feb. 12, 2008", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-11", "effective_date": "2010-03-22", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2008-12-01", "registrant_id": {"value": 2745, "label": "10432C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10332", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Combined planning and development application, zoning and site plan", "particulars": "Applications by Baywood Homes: Norton/McKee/Doris", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-11", "effective_date": "2010-03-22", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2009-02-11", "registrant_id": {"value": 2746, "label": "10432C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10370", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Parking", "particulars": "Parking fees, levies on private parking facilities", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-13", "effective_date": "2009-10-13", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2009-02-11", "registrant_id": {"value": 2607, "label": "10162C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10371", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Official Plan, Zoning Amendment and Site Plan Applications", "particulars": "Official plan amendment, rezoning and site plan applications regarding 48 Abell Street", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-24", "effective_date": "2011-11-14", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2010-03-01", "registrant_id": {"value": 3300, "label": "10241C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10372", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Water rates, garbage, recycling, levies, user fees, budget", "particulars": "Bottled water issues", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-24", "effective_date": "2014-03-18", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": null, "registrant_id": {"value": 4722, "label": "10225C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10374", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Taxi Licensing issues", "particulars": "Accessible Taxi issues, TTC Wheel-Trans issues", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-25", "effective_date": "2017-12-19", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2017-12-19", "registrant_id": {"value": 7537, "label": "10225C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10375", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Regulation of Holiday Shopping Hours", "particulars": "'pharmacy exemption' under the Retail store hours by-laws; holiday shopping hours by-laws ", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-13", "effective_date": "2009-02-12", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2008-06-30", "registrant_id": {"value": 2548, "label": "10497C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10376", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Signs", "particulars": "Outdoor signage approvals, sign by-law issues", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-24", "effective_date": "2017-10-05", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2017-10-03", "registrant_id": {"value": 7387, "label": "10225C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10391", "status": "Closed", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "signs", "particulars": "Signage at 21 Vaughan, 1467 Bathurst St, 739 St. Clair W", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-28", "effective_date": "2011-03-25", "proposed_start_date": null, "proposed_end_date": "2010-02-02", "registrant_id": {"value": 2951, "label": "10498S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10393", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "planning act application - official plan & zoning by-law", "particulars": "OPA & ZBA applications respecting 16 York Street [Block 9]", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-26", "effective_date": "2009-12-15", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2009-02-11", "registrant_id": {"value": 2629, "label": "10163C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10430", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "signs", "particulars": "To enlist support of the local councillor for the proposed sign - 1025 Kingston Rd.", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-25", "effective_date": "2010-01-08", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-13", "proposed_end_date": "2008-04-18", "registrant_id": {"value": 2667, "label": "10522C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10431", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Signs", "particulars": "All issues pertaining to the sign by-law and outdoor advertising", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-04", "effective_date": "2010-02-22", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-12", "proposed_end_date": "2010-02-03", "registrant_id": {"value": 2711, "label": "10428C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10432", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Applications: Zoning Bylaw", "particulars": "Requirements for re-zoning and other development applications concerning West Park Healthcare Centre at 82 Buttonwood Avenue", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-12", "effective_date": "2012-07-25", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-13", "proposed_end_date": null, "registrant_id": {"value": 3625, "label": "10532C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10433", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning and Development: Planning Policies/Studies ", "particulars": "City of Toronto Wireless Telecomunications Protocol", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-11", "effective_date": "2012-07-24", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-12", "proposed_end_date": "2008-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 3622, "label": "10531C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10450", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning and Development: Planning Policies/Studies ", "particulars": "City of Toronto Wireless Telecomunications Protocol", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-11", "effective_date": "2012-07-24", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-12", "proposed_end_date": "2008-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 3623, "label": "10531C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10451", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning and Development: Planning Policies/Studies", "particulars": "City of Toronto ", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-11", "effective_date": "2012-07-24", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-12", "proposed_end_date": "2008-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 3624, "label": "10531C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10452", "status": "Closed", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Building Inspection, building permits, planning and development (specifically planning act applications, heritage, and rental housing conversion or demolition), real estate/property, roads, signs", "particulars": "regarding development site at 1325, 1351 and 1365 Bayview Avenue", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-12", "effective_date": "2013-12-18", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-12", "proposed_end_date": "2013-12-17", "registrant_id": {"value": 4470, "label": "10541S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10453", "status": "Closed", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Technology and Transportation", "particulars": "Advanced technology transportation initiatives", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-05-22", "effective_date": "2011-09-29", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-12", "proposed_end_date": "2010-02-12", "registrant_id": {"value": 3212, "label": "10559S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10470", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Budget", "particulars": "Meet to discuss major budget items, such as spending, property taxes, potential new revenue tools/taxes, and user fees.", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-08-01", "effective_date": "2020-04-06", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2019-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 9309, "label": "10593S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10490", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "TTC Transit", "particulars": "MaRS Centre Connection to Queens Park Subway Station ", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-04-10", "effective_date": "2012-07-31", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-12", "proposed_end_date": "2008-05-16", "registrant_id": {"value": 3656, "label": "10622C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10532", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Sony Centre Revitilization", "particulars": "Matters relevant to the redevelopment and restoration of the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, specifically:\n\nzoning approvals;\nSite Plan Approval;\nPATH Connections;\nroad closing applications;\nstakeholder feedback and community input.", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-06-09", "effective_date": "2011-08-17", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-12", "proposed_end_date": "2008-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 3092, "label": "10651C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10551", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "zoning by-law amendment", "particulars": "payment-in-lieu of parking fee is prohibitive for this project located at 601-605 Oakwood Avenue", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-24", "effective_date": "2010-12-23", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2009-04-28", "registrant_id": {"value": 2813, "label": "10652C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10570", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "water", "particulars": "Executive committee report EX16.11", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-19", "effective_date": "2008-11-07", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-13", "proposed_end_date": "2008-11-07", "registrant_id": {"value": 2563, "label": "10549C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10590", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "water", "particulars": "Executive Committee item EX16.11 - Possible Revenue Sources - Municipal Tap Water Permits", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-21", "effective_date": "2008-11-07", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-13", "proposed_end_date": "2008-11-07", "registrant_id": {"value": 2562, "label": "10572C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10592", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "planning and development -zoning by law", "particulars": "461 university avenue --rezoning", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-26", "effective_date": "2011-10-20", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-12", "proposed_end_date": "2009-02-12", "registrant_id": {"value": 3250, "label": "10691C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10593", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Affordable Housing", "particulars": "Introductory Information Meeting with Councillor ", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-19", "effective_date": "2008-02-27", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-12", "proposed_end_date": "2008-08-01", "registrant_id": {"value": 2547, "label": "10322C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10610", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "planning and development: Planning Application, Zoning by-law, Site Plan Approval", "particulars": "zoning by law , site plan approval and application for tax incremental financing for 555 Rexdale Blvd.", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-26", "effective_date": "2012-10-16", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-12", "proposed_end_date": "2012-10-11", "registrant_id": {"value": 3812, "label": "10691C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10630", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning and development - zoning by law", "particulars": "application for development\nfor mixed use at 2-4, 6 and 12 Duthie St. and 19 Port Union Road, Scarborough", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-26", "effective_date": "2013-08-27", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-12", "proposed_end_date": null, "registrant_id": {"value": 4240, "label": "10430C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10631", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Building permits", "particulars": "Review requirement for Letter of Credit under Precinct Agreement for Block 2B, 4, 5, 7A,7B, 8,9,10 as in Schedule 1 of the Precinct Agreement dated 11/29/96", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-26", "effective_date": "2013-08-27", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-12", "proposed_end_date": null, "registrant_id": {"value": 4241, "label": "10430C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10633", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Official Plan and zoning by-law", "particulars": "Rezoning and change to Official Plan to permit mixed use development at 5555 Dundas St. W. and 25 Vickers Road, Etobicoke.", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-26", "effective_date": "2013-08-27", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-12", "proposed_end_date": null, "registrant_id": {"value": 4242, "label": "10430C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10634", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "environment", "particulars": "environmental reporting and disclosure by-law proposal", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-04-10", "effective_date": "2012-04-18", "proposed_start_date": "2008-04-08", "proposed_end_date": "2012-04-18", "registrant_id": {"value": 3443, "label": "10324C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10637", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "water", "particulars": "pool water discharge", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-05-22", "effective_date": "2019-01-24", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2018-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 8472, "label": "10324C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10650", "status": "Active", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Budget", "particulars": "Land Transfer Tax", "subject_matter_definition": "B. Without limiting Subsection A, the following: (1) Development, approval, amendment or termination of a policy, program, directive or guideline. (2) Procurement of goods, services or construction and awarding a contract. (3) Approving, approving with conditions, or denying an application for a service, grant, planning approval, permit or other licence or permission. (4) Awarding any financial contribution, grant or other financial benefit by or on behalf of the City, a local board (restricted definition) or the Board of Health. (5) Transferring from the City, a local board (restricted definition) or the Board of Health any interest in or asset of any business, enterprise or institution. (6) Determining the model and method of delivering a service.", "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-13", "effective_date": "2024-07-23", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-14", "proposed_end_date": "2024-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 1403, "label": "10341S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10651", "status": "Active", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Budget", "particulars": "Property Taxes", "subject_matter_definition": "B. Without limiting Subsection A, the following: (1) Development, approval, amendment or termination of a policy, program, directive or guideline. (2) Procurement of goods, services or construction and awarding a contract. (3) Approving, approving with conditions, or denying an application for a service, grant, planning approval, permit or other licence or permission. (4) Awarding any financial contribution, grant or other financial benefit by or on behalf of the City, a local board (restricted definition) or the Board of Health. (5) Transferring from the City, a local board (restricted definition) or the Board of Health any interest in or asset of any business, enterprise or institution. (6) Determining the model and method of delivering a service.", "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-13", "effective_date": "2024-07-26", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-14", "proposed_end_date": "2024-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 1515, "label": "10341S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10652", "status": "Closed", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Budget", "particulars": "Development Charges By-law Review", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-13", "effective_date": "2010-09-20", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-14", "proposed_end_date": "2009-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 2837, "label": "10341S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10653", "status": "Closed", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Planning Policy", "particulars": "Affordable Housing Strategy", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-13", "effective_date": "2021-03-12", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-14", "proposed_end_date": "2021-03-11", "registrant_id": {"value": 10396, "label": "10341S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10654", "status": "Closed", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Marijuana Grow Houses", "particulars": "City endorsement of provincial registry", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-13", "effective_date": "2019-06-28", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-14", "proposed_end_date": "2019-06-28", "registrant_id": {"value": 8893, "label": "10341S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10694", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Application - Zoning Amendment & Site Plan Application", "particulars": "Municipal File 06 199571 ESC 36 OZ re 1725 Kingston Road (Birchcliff Community) - Appeal of failure of Counsel to make a decision", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-19", "effective_date": "2009-12-31", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-13", "proposed_end_date": "2009-02-13", "registrant_id": {"value": 2648, "label": "10771C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10790", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "planning and development -zoning bylaw", "particulars": "application for rezoning and site plan approval relating to 25 queens quay east", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-26", "effective_date": "2011-10-20", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-13", "proposed_end_date": "2008-10-13", "registrant_id": {"value": 3251, "label": "10691C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10792", "status": "Closed", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "TTC/Transit and transportation", "particulars": "Application for Woodbine Live 555 Rexdale Blvd.\nRexdale, ON M9W 5L2", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-28", "effective_date": "2011-12-28", "proposed_start_date": "2008-01-01", "proposed_end_date": "2011-12-23", "registrant_id": {"value": 3334, "label": "10877S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10810", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Minor Variance and Site Plan Applications", "particulars": "Development applications, including potential minor variance and site plan applications, regarding 65 Front Street East. May include certain agreements to implement any development approvals.", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-24", "effective_date": "2009-12-30", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2008-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 2656, "label": "10241C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10811", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Official Plan, Zoning Amendment and Site Plan Applications", "particulars": "Development approvals, including potential official plan amendment, rezoning, variances and site plan approval, for former Inn on the Park site, including implementation through develpoment agreements", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-24", "effective_date": "2009-12-30", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2008-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 2655, "label": "10241C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10812", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Site Plan Application", "particulars": "Seeking approval of a parking lot expansion", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-19", "effective_date": "2009-12-16", "proposed_start_date": null, "proposed_end_date": "2009-12-15", "registrant_id": {"value": 2630, "label": "10592C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10816", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Minor Variance and Site Plan Application", "particulars": "Proposing to add a second storey community health facility", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-19", "effective_date": "2009-12-16", "proposed_start_date": null, "proposed_end_date": "2009-12-15", "registrant_id": {"value": 2631, "label": "10592C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10817", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Site Plan Application", "particulars": "Revitalization of Finchdale Plaza", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-19", "effective_date": "2012-05-23", "proposed_start_date": null, "proposed_end_date": null, "registrant_id": {"value": 3500, "label": "10592C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10818", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Application - Zoning Amendment and Settlement of Site Plan ", "particulars": "Ontario Municipal Board Case # PL030139 re 46 Halford Avenue, Toronto - Appeal of Failure of Council to make a decision in regard to zoning and hearing to settle site plan", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-22", "effective_date": "2012-02-28", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-13", "proposed_end_date": "2008-05-01", "registrant_id": {"value": 3401, "label": "10888C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10824", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning and Development: Planning Application: site plan", "particulars": "Seeking to retain a lay-by in front of the grocery store at 275 Port Union Road via a minor amendment to the site plan.", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-19", "effective_date": "2009-12-16", "proposed_start_date": null, "proposed_end_date": "2009-12-15", "registrant_id": {"value": 2632, "label": "10592C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10825", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Application: Minor Variance", "particulars": "Requesting minor relief from the by-law parking requirement at 3030 Don Mills Road.", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-19", "effective_date": "2009-12-16", "proposed_start_date": null, "proposed_end_date": "2009-12-15", "registrant_id": {"value": 2633, "label": "10592C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10827", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "subject matter no. 1: planning application - zoning, by laws", "particulars": "re-zoning application- 299 Roehampton Ave.", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-06-02", "effective_date": "2014-03-10", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-13", "proposed_end_date": null, "registrant_id": {"value": 4684, "label": "10895S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10829", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Transit/TTC", "particulars": "present options for TTC fare card project", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-11", "effective_date": "2009-11-09", "proposed_start_date": "2008-03-01", "proposed_end_date": "2009-07-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 2615, "label": "10901C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10850", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Transportation", "particulars": "Promote the taxicab industry,provide a unified voice for the members,promoting the interests of members and mutual aid and assistance whenever necessary.", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-22", "effective_date": "2013-08-26", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-14", "proposed_end_date": null, "registrant_id": {"value": 4238, "label": "10907S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10910", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Transit/TTC", "particulars": "Cellullar and wireless service", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-25", "effective_date": "2010-01-25", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-15", "proposed_end_date": "2009-12-17", "registrant_id": {"value": 2635, "label": "10225C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10952", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Applications for site plan approval and zoning by-law amendments", "particulars": "approval of a mixed use building at the nw corner of Colborne and Church Streets", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-21", "effective_date": "2010-01-15", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-15", "proposed_end_date": "2009-03-13", "registrant_id": {"value": 2699, "label": "10882C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10954", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Licences: Airport Limousine Rights", "particulars": "Amending By-Law No. 1425-2007 to ensure the ability for limousines to pick up fares in Toronto and deliver them to the airport.", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-05-27", "effective_date": "2013-12-17", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-13", "proposed_end_date": "2012-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 4468, "label": "11045C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10970", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Application - minor variance", "particulars": "Committee of Adjustment approval and site plan for 2 Ossington", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-25", "effective_date": "2010-01-05", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2008-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 2625, "label": "10409C"}} {"sm_number": "SM10990", "status": "Closed", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Transit/TTC", "particulars": "contract extension and procurement Process - Accessible Taxis", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-06-03", "effective_date": "2018-03-22", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-25", "proposed_end_date": "2017-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 7687, "label": "11092S"}} {"sm_number": "SM10991", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Applications - Official Plan, Zoning By-law", "particulars": "Appeal under sections 22(7) and 34(1) of the Planning Act re 4759-4789 Yonge Street (S/E corner of Yonge & Sheppard) - Hullmark Centre Inc - Municipal File No. 06 163756 NNY 230Z", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-06-19", "effective_date": "2014-03-17", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-15", "proposed_end_date": null, "registrant_id": {"value": 4716, "label": "11095C"}} {"sm_number": "SM11010", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Applications: Site Plan", "particulars": "To review and receive acceptance in regard to Site Plan for development and building of proposed residential units located at 1144 Islington Avenue, Etobicoke, Part of Lots 28/29, Registered Plan No. 1553.", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-26", "effective_date": "2013-05-30", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-15", "proposed_end_date": "2012-09-28", "registrant_id": {"value": 4144, "label": "11101S"}} {"sm_number": "SM11032", "status": "Closed", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Water -- Source Protection Committee", "particulars": "Encourage all Source Protection Committees through Regional Conservation Authorities to include at least one professional engineer on its committee", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-06-05", "effective_date": "2010-01-22", "proposed_start_date": "2008-03-03", "proposed_end_date": "2009-03-02", "registrant_id": {"value": 2704, "label": "11113S"}} {"sm_number": "SM11034", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Applications - Plan of Subdivision, Site Plan, Minor Variance, Consent to Severance", "particulars": "Plan of Subdivision, Site Plan, Minor Variance, Consent to Severance regarding Bay-Adelaide site", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-25", "effective_date": "2011-09-15", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-15", "proposed_end_date": "2010-02-15", "registrant_id": {"value": 3176, "label": "10963C"}} {"sm_number": "SM11037", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Applications - Site Plan, Minor Variance", "particulars": "Regarding CBC Broadcast Centre site, Site Plan", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-17", "effective_date": "2010-01-14", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-15", "proposed_end_date": "2010-01-13", "registrant_id": {"value": 2691, "label": "10963C"}} {"sm_number": "SM11038", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Applications - site plan, minor variance", "particulars": "Regarding CBC Broadcast Centre site", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-17", "effective_date": "2010-01-14", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-15", "proposed_end_date": "2010-01-13", "registrant_id": {"value": 2692, "label": "10963C"}} {"sm_number": "SM11040", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Applications - rezoning, site plan", "particulars": "regarding Bayview/Sheppard properties, zoning amendment, site plan", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-17", "effective_date": "2011-09-15", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-15", "proposed_end_date": "2010-10-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 3177, "label": "10963C"}} {"sm_number": "SM11041", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Applications - rezoning, site plan", "particulars": "regarding 18 Lower Jarvis", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-17", "effective_date": "2010-01-14", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-15", "proposed_end_date": "2010-01-13", "registrant_id": {"value": 2693, "label": "10963C"}} {"sm_number": "SM11042", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Applications - OPA, rezoning, site plan", "particulars": "regarding 1705, 1717, 1719, 1743 and 1745 Avenue Road, OP, zoning and site plan", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-17", "effective_date": "2010-01-14", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-15", "proposed_end_date": "2010-01-13", "registrant_id": {"value": 2694, "label": "10963C"}} {"sm_number": "SM11043", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Applications, Minor Variance, Site Plan, City of Toronto Act Application - lane closing", "particulars": "regarding 585 Queen St. W and 156 Portland Street, minor variance, site plan and lane closing", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-18", "effective_date": "2010-01-14", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-15", "proposed_end_date": "2010-01-13", "registrant_id": {"value": 2695, "label": "10963C"}} {"sm_number": "SM11046", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Combined Planning and Development Application, Official Plan, Zoning By-law, Site Plan", "particulars": "regarding the Distillery District, zoning, site plan and applications", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-18", "effective_date": "2010-01-14", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-15", "proposed_end_date": "2010-01-13", "registrant_id": {"value": 2696, "label": "10963C"}} {"sm_number": "SM11047", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Planning Application Site Plan, Building Permits, Encroachment Agreement", "particulars": "661 University Ave.", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-06-09", "effective_date": "2013-05-10", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2012-09-15", "registrant_id": {"value": 4118, "label": "11123S"}} {"sm_number": "SM11054", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Application - Zoning Amendment and Settlement of Site Plan", "particulars": "Ontario Municipal Board Case # PL030139 re 46 Halford Avenue, Toronto - Appeal of Failure of Council to make a decision in regard to zoning and hearing to settle site plan", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-24", "effective_date": "2010-09-13", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-13", "proposed_end_date": "2008-05-01", "registrant_id": {"value": 2833, "label": "11011C"}} {"sm_number": "SM11055", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Combined Planning and Development Application, Official Plan, Zoning By-law, Site Plan, Minor Variance, Heritage and Section 37", "particulars": "Official Plan, zoning, site plan, variance, heritage and Section 37 issues related to the Distillery District, 55 Mill Street", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-14", "effective_date": "2013-04-17", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2012-05-15", "registrant_id": {"value": 4085, "label": "10621C"}} {"sm_number": "SM11057", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Applications - Official Plan, zoning, site plan, subdivision, variance applications", "particulars": "Official Plan, zoning, site plan, subdivision, variance applications related to the Oakburn Place/Oakburn Crescent property", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-03-14", "effective_date": "2013-04-17", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-11", "proposed_end_date": "2012-03-15", "registrant_id": {"value": 4086, "label": "10621C"}} {"sm_number": "SM11058", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "subject matter no. 1: planning application: plan of subdivision", "particulars": "Property redevelopment at 1-12 Oakburn Crescent, 14-40 Oakburn Place", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-06-02", "effective_date": "2014-06-16", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-15", "proposed_end_date": "2013-12-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 4976, "label": "11171S"}} {"sm_number": "SM11060", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Applications", "particulars": "regarding Bayview/Sheppard properties, zoning amendment, site plan", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-22", "effective_date": "2012-05-24", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-15", "proposed_end_date": "2009-02-15", "registrant_id": {"value": 3501, "label": "10361C"}} {"sm_number": "SM11061", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Applications", "particulars": "Plan of subdivision, Part Lot Control By-law, Site Plan, Minor Variance, regarding the Bay Adelaide Centre", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-24", "effective_date": "2010-01-13", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-15", "proposed_end_date": "2009-01-13", "registrant_id": {"value": 2679, "label": "10615C"}} {"sm_number": "SM11065", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Application - Zoning Amendment & Site Plan Application", "particulars": "Municipal File 06 199571 ESC 36 OZ re 1725 Kingston Road (Birchcliff Community) - Appeal of failure of Counsel to make a decision.", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-27", "effective_date": "2009-12-18", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-13", "proposed_end_date": "2009-02-13", "registrant_id": {"value": 2637, "label": "11091C"}} {"sm_number": "SM11067", "status": "Closed", "type": "Consultant", "subject_matter": "Planning Act Applications", "particulars": "Regarding the Distillery District, zoning, site plan and variance application", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-02-24", "effective_date": "2010-01-13", "proposed_start_date": "2008-02-15", "proposed_end_date": "2010-01-13", "registrant_id": {"value": 2680, "label": "10615C"}} {"sm_number": "SM11068", "status": "Closed by LRO", "type": "In-house", "subject_matter": "Grants/Funding", "particulars": "EDSIP Grant Application submitted and granted", "subject_matter_definition": null, "initial_approval_date": "2008-08-18", "effective_date": "2011-11-04", "proposed_start_date": "2008-03-31", "proposed_end_date": "2009-03-31", "registrant_id": {"value": 3281, "label": "11193S"}}